Full Membership
No Contract Required!
Unlimited Access to our fitness studio during business hours
Unlimited Access to all of our classes
Unlimited Access to all of our workout equipment
Attend multiple classes a day
When you become a Full Member, you can come and drop in anytime we are open.
Attend one class or all of our classes, use our workout equipment once or everyday. All for only $45/Month. As long as you are a Full Member, you have unlimited access to our studio, classes & equipment.
*Personal Training is not included in this Membership.
Just Yoga Membership
No Contract Required!
Only interested in our Yoga classes?
That’s no problem at all, this membership keeps it simple and:
Access to just our Yoga Classes
*Personal Training is not included in this Membership.
Yoga Room
If you prefer privacy in your Yoga Practice, ask about our Private Yoga Room.
Interested but still unsure?
Drop-in and try us out for only $12.
Take advantage of our drop-in special and you’ll be able to:
Attend any of the classes scheduled for that day.
Use our Gym equipment.
Most importantly, connect with our existing members!
How to know if a drop-in visit is right for you.
This is great for anyone that is interested in Yoga, Pilates or Cardio but is still unsure. Come by and drop in for the day and we’ll be able to:
Answer all of your questions or concerns.
Give you a tour of the studio.
Walk you through our classes, schedule & etiquette.
Support you.
Help you prepare for your first class.
Help you transition easily into your next stage of fitness & health.
Drop - In
Anytime we’re open, come on in. We’d love to show you around.
Personal Training
Available by Appointment!
Take advantage of working out with a Certified Personal Trainer here at Positive Changes.
Donna Mendes
34 years of experience.
Personal training in; Yoga, Pilates & Cardio.
Our Studio
We’re here to support you in your journey to Elite Fitness & Health.