Pilates Class
"The complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit." - Joseph Pilates
The Pilates principles;
Centering, Concentration, Control,
Precision, Breath, and Flow.
are key concepts that we use to integrate the body and mind.
Our Pilates Class:
Promotes Strength.
Balance muscle development.
Flexibility with increased range of motion for the joints.
Builds and lengthens muscles.
Class Schedule
Thursdays @ 8:00AM • Pilates with Donna • 60 MIN.
Bosu Sculpt
“Promising core strength, balance and improved athleticism.”
Our training class that gives you a full cardio workout while toning and sculpting your muscles.
We utilize a Bosu Ball which consists of half of a ball that's on a platform that works on a multitude of different muscles. Used for balance training, with fast and slow rhythms combined to tone and sculpt your body.
Bosu Sculpt:
Improve Balance.
Improve Flexibility.
Sharpen Reflexes.
Reshape Body.
Build Strength and Agility.
Class Schedule
Fridays @ 5:30AM • Bosu Sculpt with Grace • 60 MIN.
Looking for Cardio?
We offer Cardio Step & Cardio Conditioning.
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