The Key to a Fresh Mind and Great Health.
We all know we need exercise, but as we all know,
We also struggle to get started.
There are so many research studies and paper reviews that state why we should, and must start our fitness journey. Why we should start taking our physical and mental health as serious as we take our jobs. And how incorporating exercise into our daily routines will benefit our health and even extends our lives.
The evidence and information is stacked so high yet, we struggle to gain “motivation” or a reason to begin.
“Life is busy”, “I don't have enough time”, “I don't know where to start”, “Its not for me”.
We have all felt the overwhelming way of life due to our day to day duties, but lets not forget that our Mind and Body are the vessel that carry us through and through, time and time again.
So let’s commit to making the time & finding a space where our body and mind are free to relax, breathe & get moving.
So as we know, the key and daily antidote for a fresh mind & great physical health is,
All we have to do is figure out how to get started and how to stick to it.
“The daily practice of some physical work does not mean to
take stress on the body, but it is actually the stress relieving
Activity.” - Abou Elmagd, Mohammed *
5 Ways to Get Started
These are the 5 points that we have outlined that will help you get started and motivated to stick to it:
Find out why now & set a goal.
What caused you to want to begin exercising now?
What event occurred that brought this change up right now in your life?
Identifying this will help you in determining the end result that you desire.
When setting your goal, DO NOT SET A S.M.A.R.T. goal. Set a D.U.M.B. Goal. Reference This Blog Post by Brendon Burchard on How to Set a D.U.M.B. Goal.
What active activity do you really enjoy and/or have been interested in beginning?
Exercise doesn’t only have to be weight lifting or running.
Do you enjoy any sports; Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, etc.
What classes have you been interested in signing up for? Yoga, Pilates, Bosu, Cardio?
Start Small: 10 - 15 Minutes a day.
Our purpose here is to start a new routine, the best way to set a new routine in your life is by making small manageable changes consistently.
Starting small will also help you maintain your new routine in the long term.
Find a partner, friend, group.
Somethings seem to be more fun when done with a friend, this is one of them.
This is also a way to keep yourself consistent by becoming accountable to a friend or group.
Who do you want / need to be healthy for?
Another way to keep yourself accountable is to identify who needs you in the best physical and mental shape right now?
Why do they need you in the best physical and mental shape right now?
There are many ways for you to get started but these are the best to initiate your exercise & fitness journey into a routine.
A routine of exercise that leads to having and keeping a fresh mind & great physical health.
Benefits of Exercise for the Body Systems
Before we finish we will go over some benefits of exercise for all the body systems below.
It is vital to keep our body moving and active, nobody likes when they get ill, so it is crucial to keep our bodies healthy and fit. Considering our bodies are made out of:
Living Tissue
and Blood
If we do not exercise our muscles become weaker and we are more prone to illnesses.
Physical activity and exercise can not only reduce stress and anxiety but it also boosts the “feel-good” chemicals in our brain. . .
. . . and when it comes to our mind; exercise helps increase our self-confidence, brain power and our memory becomes sharper.
As for your body, exercise helps your muscles increase and your bones strengthen.
While we all want to look and feel good, we must remember to improve our general health.
In doing so;
we build endurance,
Slow many of the effects of aging,
and enhance our emotional well being.
Donna Mendes’ Positive Changes
Your Fitness Studio
Here at Positive Changes we encourage and motivate you to make Fitness and Flexibility a way of life.
Start small with daily stretching, and walking, taking time to sit down and clear your mind, breathe and release.
Take a class or join us in our studio and use our Yoga or Gym space to your liking.
Needing a little guidance?
No problem, we offer Personal Training in Yoga, Pilates, Cardio, or whatever area you need!
We are here to help you make Positive Changes in your life!
Become a Member.
& Enjoy all the benefits our Studio offers,